Orange Guard is 100% Natural - completely water and plant-based with no chemicals.
- Safe to use in kitchens and food preparation areas
- Made from orange peels and food grade ingredients
- Biodegradable
- Pleasant odour
- Kills ants, cockroaches, fleas, and flies on contact
Indoor pests: Orange Guard works as a contact spray when spraying directly on a pest. Death occurs over a few minutes, so no need to overspray. When used on windows, wait until the flies/pests fall, then wipe the window clean with a cloth.
May be used in cupboards, under sinks, closets, kitchens, bathrooms and around baseboards and cracks.
For fleas, do not spray directly on your pet, instead, spray in and around pet's bedding.
Use around the base of doorways, windows and ant routes.
Orange Guard may hard beneficial insects, so use only where and when necessary.